You are what I don't understand but love...
disabled to feel
disabled to be noticed...
disabled to appear....
tell me what you feel
tell me what you see
i've been out of myself for too long
many years have passed without being myself
please be my guide...
be my early edition
let me know what's real
i need to feel you
i need to know the truth
but the only truth is that we're both a lie
we live lying, we keep on lying, we can't avoid it
'cause our truth doesn't exist in our bodies
we're lying to the world,
puking on it's truth...
knowing what's not real...
the only reality is your bite, your bites, your singing, this rain
it won't ever stop...
this is not for real...
you are not for real...
reality is in the sun...
everybody burns like we do...
please let us be two ice cubes...
never fading, never melting... never warming
always in the out-cold or in the fridge
hidden from everything that could warm our hearts
i'll guide you....
i'll guide you through my desperation
my orientation is caving in, deeper and deeper... and will never be seen...
i'll let you be my eyes...
blind for you sight,
for the lovely brown caves that stare at me, everytime i discover them in me
please... don't be this necessary for me...
i love you still...
i cannot live...
you are my senses...
i can be defined as human since you're with me....
without you i'm nothing....
you're not my placebo, you're my everlasting salvation...
Warning: do not be like this, it's an exageration of an overrated reality... do not get obsessed... just fall in love... dreams are to be dreamt, live for the rest of your days... but first... you've got to learn what "TO LIVE" means...
I tend to take my feelings to unbearable situations, extremes... if I don't do this, my writing is not funny/interesting/worthless. It's just an exercise to be happy with my "ART"....
do you see me as a rainbow warrior?
"hungry for you love, with no way to feed it" (another god... Jeff Buckley)
Ps/Pd: si encuentran errores, haganmelo saber, por favor, hace demasiado que no compongo en inglés...
disabled to be noticed...
disabled to appear....
tell me what you feel
tell me what you see
i've been out of myself for too long
many years have passed without being myself
please be my guide...
be my early edition
let me know what's real
i need to feel you
i need to know the truth
but the only truth is that we're both a lie
we live lying, we keep on lying, we can't avoid it
'cause our truth doesn't exist in our bodies
we're lying to the world,
puking on it's truth...
knowing what's not real...
the only reality is your bite, your bites, your singing, this rain
it won't ever stop...
this is not for real...
you are not for real...
reality is in the sun...
everybody burns like we do...
please let us be two ice cubes...
never fading, never melting... never warming
always in the out-cold or in the fridge
hidden from everything that could warm our hearts
i'll guide you....
i'll guide you through my desperation
my orientation is caving in, deeper and deeper... and will never be seen...
i'll let you be my eyes...
blind for you sight,
for the lovely brown caves that stare at me, everytime i discover them in me
please... don't be this necessary for me...
i love you still...
i cannot live...
you are my senses...
i can be defined as human since you're with me....
without you i'm nothing....
you're not my placebo, you're my everlasting salvation...
Warning: do not be like this, it's an exageration of an overrated reality... do not get obsessed... just fall in love... dreams are to be dreamt, live for the rest of your days... but first... you've got to learn what "TO LIVE" means...
I tend to take my feelings to unbearable situations, extremes... if I don't do this, my writing is not funny/interesting/worthless. It's just an exercise to be happy with my "ART"....
do you see me as a rainbow warrior?
"hungry for you love, with no way to feed it" (another god... Jeff Buckley)
Ps/Pd: si encuentran errores, haganmelo saber, por favor, hace demasiado que no compongo en inglés...
:) buenisimo como si3mpr3 (K)(K)
Dorian, at 9:29 a. m.
Hola, muy buena idea la de pasarme tu blog.. ya se q t pasa en la vida y la verdad?
Mas de la mitad de la gente "adulta" - pq no siempre tienen la madurez mental suficiente para ser catalogada como tal - cree en el amor y desea tener experiencias q lo incluyan. Muy pocas saben realmente lo q significa y aun menos la experimentaron de verdad.
Tu eres de los pocos q saben lo q es y tienes esperanzas de conocerlo alguna vez - no es necesario experimentar para conocer, viene de adentro -.
No llores, trata de no llorar, eso t hara sufrir mas. Me dijo un amigo una vez q al amor no hay q buscarlo, llega solo en el momento menos esperado.
Tal vez debas descansar tu mente un momento y disfrutar de lo q t caiga.
El amor para una persona como vos sera maravilloso, solo si lo compartes con alguien q sepa lo q es, y tenga los mismos sentimientos por ello que vos.
Buena suerte en tu busqueda.
Anónimo, at 12:09 a. m.
Linda interpretación la que hiciste, me gustó mucho, realmente...
igual me gusta hacer esto de que me muestren la interpretación de algo que yo escribí, y mostrar también la mía.
En este texto hablo de dos etapas, una anterior y otra actual... una en la que no sentía nada, y la actual en la que me quemo...
y bueno a veces la etapa anterior es como que quiere volver, pero yo no quiero, y bueno juego un poco con éso... y mas que nada es una descripción de cada etapa, y como no puedo asimilar la actual... blah, digamos que este texto entra en la continuidad de mi problema para asimilar los cambios... jeje..
Pd: mi búsqueda ha concluído..
Blur_Cecy, at 8:20 a. m.
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